Fearlessly Playful Episode 1: Pablo Woodard, the Disco Bunny

Premiering today is my brand new podcast, Fearlessly Playful (available on Apple Podcasts and Spotify), where I have conversations with fascinating humans changing themselves and changing the world through the power of play.

The first episode features the UK’s Pablo Woodward, aka the Disco Bunny.

As the Disco Bunny, Pablo is proper viral. His YouTube videos have received more than 120 million views. He’s on mission to unite all people and to ignite a revolution in all of us, opening our hearts to love. How? Through, playfulness, crazy dancing and glitter, of course.

I met Pablo working his magic on the high street of Fremantle, dressed in a bright pink sparkly leotard, his hair up in two huge buns with flowers.

In this episode, Pablo shares his journey from the streets of Brazil to becoming the most recognised person in Brighton. But most importantly, how by being playful, he found happiness and his true calling.