Fearlessly Playful Episode 5: Lawrence Crumpton, Microsoft’s HoloLens and Mixed Reality Evangelist

In this special second last episode of Fearlessly Playful in its current form (big announcements coming soon!), I speak with Microsoft’s HoloLens and mixed reality evangelist, Lawrence Crumpton.

I caught up with Lawrence after his keynote at XR:WA (which is probably Australia’s biggest immersive reality festival which I’m super proud to be one of the producers of) on the eve of the launch of the hotly anticipated Hololens 2. We talk all about the present and future of mixed and augmented reality and the power of play and games in creating that future, as well as being a critical part of Lawrence’s work and life.

We also discuss the legacy of Microsoft Bob, a ground breaking but too soon foray into new ways of interacting with machines and making computers more human.

A fascinating conversation!

Kate Raynes-Goldie